Friday, 20 January 2017

Unit 16 Editing Techniques Overview

CMP BTEC Unit 16 Editing Techniques overview


Your final major project will take the form of a 3-5 minute film. This can be any genre  (apart from animation), but we strongly recommend that you make either a Short Film; a Music Video or a Documentary extract to best demonstrate the skills you have developed over the whole course and to incorporate excellent editing skills and techniques




For this Unit you will be required to produce a Contextual Study, in the form of a vlog, outlining all you know about the History of editing and the purposes of editing. You will be taught about the key figures from: early cinema (The Lumiere brothers, George Melies) at the turn of the 20th century; the beginnings of continuity  and other editing techniques with DW Griffith in the 1920s; The Kuleshov effect in Russia and the Soviet Montage movement (Sergei M Eisenstein); the French New Wave in the 1950s; the Direct Cinema Movement in the USA/Cinema Verite in France both in the 1950s; and some key editing techniques which developed from the 1970s onwards. You will also be taught about different specific editing techniques with some film examples, and additionally you will be expected to film some material and then demonstrate some of those techniques yourselves.

Your Contextual Study vlog will demonstrate everything you have learned about the above, and will include both your own editing examples and clips from films which you will research, along with still images of key characters in the world of editing and key facts about the history of editing and the purposes of editing.




For your pre-production you will need to produce a 300-400 word treatment/synopsis. You will be giving a pitch outlining what your product will be; what specific editing techniques you plan to use to create particular meanings; who your target audience will be; similar short films/music videos/documentaries which have informed your ideas. You will carry out all of the usual pre-production tasks (risk assessments, storyboards, production schedules etc ). In addition to this, the ways that you store and list your material in preparation for editing is crucial in order to get top marks, so a big emphasis is placed on your Rushes Log which will need to be kept with detailed information updated regularly throughout the filming process and uploaded to the blog (or printed off as hard copy) by the given deadline. You will really need to keep a detailed Project Diary discussing all of the decisions you have taken throughout the whole Unit.




Your final major project (FMP) will demonstrate the editing skills and techniques you have developed so maker sure that you take this into account when you are planning and storyboarding your production. The evidence will also need to be given in your evaluation where you will use screenshots from your production demonstrating the different editing techniques you have employed  accompanied by a written explanation for why you chose that particular edit and what you were aiming to convey to the audience. You will also discuss how well your final product meets the conventions for the genre of text you have chosen as well as for your original aims and what you have learned through the process. You will have feedback from peers, teachers and an industry professional on your rough cut. This can go into your evaluation as well. The evaluation will take the form of a blogpost or a printed hard copy.


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