Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Editing History and Techniques test

You will have a short test on the History of Editing and Editing Techniques based on the 2 powerpoints on the VLE on Thursday 23rd Feb. This should help consolidate your knowledge. you will also have to carry out a textual analysis (1 side A4) of the editing techniques used in a short film sequence which you will be given with the test. This should help you with writing up your contextual study. Please make sure that you revise for this test.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Half term work

Over half term please continue working on your Contextual Study VLOGS. Please also carry out some more editing demos. These can be shot on your mobile phones then uploaded and edited either at home or at college then added to your VLOG. Remember that for each editing technique you use you need to discuss why you chose to use it. Don't forget to hold your phone horizontally when filming otherwise you end up with vertical footage which doesn't look good!